Fabrice Erna Torchon
Winchester Community Access and Media Inc
I want to introduce you to Fabrice Torchon. I have the pleasure of working with Fabrice Torchon at Winchester Community Access and Media Inc. (www.wincam.org). Fabrice Torchon is exceptional. She continually strives for excellence in the depth and substance of her professional commitments. Due to her remarkable personal skills in communication, teamwork and inclusiveness, Fabrice Torchon welcomes opportunities which require community outreach and seeks the views of individuals with divergent interests and really appreciates different opinions. Fabrice Torchon knows that intellectual friction sparks innovation. Her drive, persistence and rapport with people are exceptional.
Thus far in her career, Fabrice Torchon has a unique knack for producing results which empowers the community globally. This is clearly illustrated in her television show Love Inspires Phenomenal Dreams. Fabrice Torchon embodies the essence of the Rosoff Award given by the Ad Club of Boston, MA. Please consider Fabrice Torchon as a recipient of the 2018 Rosoff Award. Thank you for your time and consideration.