Keep your finger on the pulse of healthcare marketing.
A half-day virtual conference on December 9th focused on the latest trends and marketing innovations in the health and wellness industries. Our speakers will cover the topics disrupting the industry today, from society’s shifting expectations to impact of the global pandemic on our healthcare delivery system.
If you missed one of the most important healthcare content events of the year, we have some good news.
You can access all the content on demand. Scroll down to the bottom for full access.
Did you purchase a ticket to Vital Signs? Click here to view the event.
These experts explore the most pressing issues faced by marketers in this rapidly changing landscape. Click to hear a sample.
Raja Rajamannar
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, President of Healthcare Business, Mastercard
“Therapy is a lot of different things, and it’s about finding the right therapy for the right issue.”
— Kathy Klingler
Dr. Gregory Harris
Associate Medical Director for Behavioral Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA
Between Milk and Water Episode Fifteen
Brenda Hodge, CMO, Nuance Communications
“For every hour a doctor spends with a patient, they spend 2 hours documenting about that patient.”
In this episode Brenda Hodge, CMO, Nuance Communications speaks about healthcare marketing, trends in health and wellness, and specifically, physician burnout and the patient experience. Like many of our Vital Signs speakers, Nuance has been forced to innovate at the speed of light in a rapidly shifting environment amidst the global pandemic. Fortunately, Nuance is built on a culture of innovation and you’ll hear more about that in this episode.
Healthcare in 2020: Urgency, Innovation, & Partnership
Jim Gardner | Senior Director, Head of B2B, Finance & TMT Intelligence The Wall Street Journal | Barron’s Group
Join The Wall Street Journal | Barron’s Group to hear more about trending topics in healthcare. As we move to a post-COVID-19 ‘next normal,’ the world of healthcare has been forever transformed. CEOs and other leaders in healthcare systems worldwide are dealing with fervent demand for their services & are struggling with questions about how to provide optimal care. They also must face the task of reimagining what the future of healthcare looks like in a post-COVID world. Understanding the pain points, pivots & progress of primary actors in the healthcare ecosystem can deliver a unique advantage when collaborating with them on solutions for their organizations.
Adapting Presentation & Media Skills for a Virtual World
V2 co-founder and partner Jean Serra and presentation specialist Elise Simard discuss best practices and tips for engaging audiences and effectively communicating in the current virtual environment. Seemingly overnight, we all went from in-person meetings and phone conversations to operating over Zoom and other video platforms. Even top-tier news organizations began to broadcast with anchors remote and guests joining from their laptops instead of via satellite studio feeds. While many have enjoyed getting a glimpse into executives’ and news anchors’ homes, or the occasional visit from a co-worker’s cute kid or pet, the novelty is wearing off and the bar is being raised for what audiences are willing to engage with. The onus is on the speaker—be it a broadcast guest or internal meeting leader–to ensure their messages still resonate regardless of the channel.