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Did You Know Boston Was the First City To…

Did You Know Boston Was the First City To…

Did You Know Boston Was the First City To…


Caroline Lyle – BostInno


Since its founding, Boston has been a “city upon a hill.” We are a city of pioneers of forward-thinkers. Rarely do we follow the pack, choosing to innovate the future rather than dwell in the past.

One event epitomizing Boston’s trailblazing spirit is the Ad Club’s annual Rosoff Awards, New England’s premier diversity awards. Each year the Ad Club honors local companies and individuals who do more than merely preach social justice. They are models of inclusion and meaningful diversity practice. Not only do they amplify underrepresented voices within their organization, but also give back to the local community.

This year, five awards are up for grabs: Internal Diversity Initiative Award,External Diversity Initiative Award, Marketing to a Diverse Audience Award, Non-Profit Initiative Award, and the Mentor Award. (Click to learn more about each category.)

Who will join former Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Google, Babson College and other esteemed Rosoff Award winners? Check out all of this year’s finalists here and be sure to attend the 18th Annual Rosoff Awards on Tuesday, May 13th to see who takes home the night’s top honors.

To celebrate Boston’s pioneering legacy as diversity champions, we compiled a list of ten of our city and state’s most impressive “firsts.” Take a look and be proud you call Boston, “a city upon a hill,” home.

If there’s a Boston “first,” that we missed, please join the discussion and share your firsts by tweeting #AdClubRosoff!

Check out 10 Boston & Massachusetts Diversity “Firsts”