Caroline Lyle – BostInno
Stock prices and profit margins are often the metrics marking a successful company, but here in Boston, we hold our businesses to a higher standard. Truly, great enterprises care about their employees, recognizing they are the ones to whom they truly owe their success; and they care about the community, investing in its success. Bottom line: great companies care about people.
Each year, the Ad Club honors those who epitomize this refreshing standard for greatness at the 18th Annual Rosoff Awards, New England’s premier diversity awards. Five more companies will be honored for their commitment to meaningful diversity practice at this year’s ceremony on Tuesday, May 13th at the spectacular State Room.
Since its early history, Boston has often been a beacon of social justice, leading the rest of the world as a champion of diversity. The Rosoff Awards is a yearly reminder of our city’s commitment to the cause, and past winners are exemplars of this noble legacy.
This year, five more awards will be bestowed: Internal Diversity Initiative Award, External Diversity Initiative Award,Marketing to a Diverse Audience Award, Non-Profit Initiative Award, and the Mentor Award. (Click to learn more about each category.)
Despite the prestige of reigning Rosoff Award winners, this year’s list of finalists is certainly an impressive set of individuals and companies, deserving to be among the distinguished award holders.
Meet the fifteen finalists of the 18th Annual Rosoff Awards and join the Ad Club on Tuesday, May 13th, 5 pm to 8pm at the State Room to honor this year’s winners.
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