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You are viewing the daily archive for: 01 May, 2014

Did You Know Boston Was the First City To…

Since its founding, Boston has been a “city upon a hill.” We are a city of pioneers of forward-thinkers. Rarely do we follow the pack, choosing to innovate the future rather than dwell in the past.

One event epitomizing Boston’s trailblazing spirit is the Ad Club’s annual Rosoff Awards, New England’s premier diversity awards. Each year the Ad Club honors local companies and individuals who do more than merely preach social justice.

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Announcing the 18th Annual Rosoff Award Finalists

Stock prices and profit margins are often the metrics marking a successful company, but here in Boston, we hold our businesses to a higher standard. Truly, great enterprises care about their employees, recognizing they are the ones to whom they truly owe their success; and they care about the community, investing in its success. Bottom line: great companies care about people.

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Know Someone Changing the Face of Boston? The Ad Club Wants to Know

What makes a great company? Is it stock prices and revenue growth? Number of employees or international offices? Press coverage? Global reach?

Sure, some of those things matter. But here in Boston, we hold our companies to a higher standard. Truly great companies are guided by more than cash flow. Their vision extends beyond IPOs and inflating paychecks. They have stakes in the community, not just the corporation. They believe in more than dollars and cents. They believe in people.

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