Inclusive Listening: Hearing What You Are Missing
What’s this course about?
This highly interactive two-hour online course introduces the concept of a familiar phenomenon: our inability to set aside our internal voices as we listen to others. This is even more challenging now that we are interacting through video conference, instead of in-person. What hasn’t changed is that the quality of our conversations continues to depend on the quality of our listening. We tend to get in our own way. This course teaches participants how to avoid that trap.
Key Take-Aways
In this course, participants will:
- Discover 7 reasons we aren’t listening as fully as we could
- Explore 3 different levels of listening
- Understand the hidden messages buried in our complaints
- Begin to apply the Inclusive Listening model
- Design a safe space for better conversations to take place
Who will be teaching the course?

Nora Bouchard
Bouchard Executive Coaching
Nora Bouchard is a Professional Certified Coach with over 10,000 hours coaching leaders and teams. She is certified in MBTI, Hogan LEAD, and the Strengths Profile. Nora has coached over 500 leaders in Fortune 500 companies and her clients include: Leo Burnett Chicago and Detroit, JK design, Ferrara & Company as well as various digital marketing groups. Prior to becoming an Executive Coach, Nora was an Education Manager at Arthur Andersen for six years. She earned a Master’s Degree in Corporate Training from Michigan State University.