October 16th, 2019
WBUR City Space
Thank you for joining us at The 2019 Edge Conference where Boston's most curious minds and innovators shared ideas that are on the cutting edge and destined to affect many industries and transform our business landscape.

Join us as we celebrate the people, brands, and companies who are making the impossible possible.
In 1961, when John F. Kennedy announced that we would land a man on the moon before the decade was out, many thought he was shooting for the impossible. But we did it. There have always been visionaries who set their sights higher than anyone else. Innovators whose dreams seem unattainable—sometimes, downright laughable—only to become the standard bearers for progress.
Today, we have our own Moonshots in the making. Join The Ad Club on October 16th, 2019 at WBUR City Space as we celebrate these trailblazers of the future daring to revolutionize reality.