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Mullen for MassMutual

Mullen for MassMutual

Marketing to a Diverse Audience Award Finalist

Mullen for MassMutual

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) financial advisors are trained in the SpecialCareSM practice to address the unique situations of families with children who have special needs. To collaborate with this community further, MassMutual sponsored the Easter Seals Siblings Study to understand the unique issues faced by the siblings of adults with disabilities. Commissioned in 2012, the study revealed the long-lasting bond between siblings, and the insecurity and financial burdens sibling caregivers face.

To celebrate these relationships, MassMutual created the #SiblingsMatter campaign, combining social media and public relations to maximize reach and awareness. The program celebrated the special connection between all siblings – not just those affected by having a family member with a disability.

Through both organic and paid social posts, users on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were encouraged to upload photos and share stories about why their siblings matter to them. Each use of #SiblingsMatter raised awareness of the issues revealed by the Easter Seals Sibling Study. To encourage participation, MassMutual pledged $25,000 to Easter Seals if #SiblingsMatter was used in over ten thousand interactions. For further support, MassMutual promoted the survey and campaign through proactive media outreach to parenting and special needs outlets, personal finance sources and marketing trades. Additionally, MassMutual created a custom Facebook tab to aggregate all #SiblingsMatter mentions, provide sharable survey findings and educate families on how MassMutual can help.

By driving awareness for the Easter Seals Sibling Study, MassMutual was able to reach like-minded individuals who are passionate about the cause and educate them about MassMutual’s SpecialCareSM program. While general awareness was the main objective, tapping into that community was key to influencing a favorable brand opinion.

Throughout the month-long campaign, the MassMutual #SiblingsMatter campaign exceeded all goals. The hashtag was used in over 11,000 social interactions across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (a 10% increase over the expected outcome), and generated 14M social impressions and 40M earned media impressions (60% over the expected outcome). MassMutual’s Facebook fan base also grew significantly by 28%. In addition, news organizations like U.S. News & World Report as well as Yahoo! Finance ran in-depth stories focused on the seldom told side of caregiving for a sibling with a disability, which was supplemented by other stories that ran in regional publications like The Dallas Morning News and in popular family blogs like Motherhood Moment.

MassMutual knew their social community was passionate about this subject matter and leveraged that knowledge. Through their community’s efforts helping them spread the word, the 10,000 interactions goal was reached and the $25,000 donation was made, helping Easter Seals continue to provide exceptional services in the community well beyond this campaign.


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