Creative Concepts
What’s this course about?
Everyone works hard. Everyone “knows somebody.” What makes you stand out from other creatives are your ideas. So your ability to concept, and generate ideas on all platforms, stages and screens are what determine if you’ll have success in marketing or any field you choose. Whether you’re a current creative who wants to build your portfolio or someone who’s thinking about becoming a creative, this course will help you learn how to come up with ideas and how to bring them to life. You may be an accomplished presenter, be strategic, and have strong interpersonal skills, but at the end of the day ideas rule. Your ideas are your currency. Your ideas will get you a raise, get you promoted, get you a new job and new opportunities.
This 8-week online course will meet once a week in the evening for two hours over a period of eight weeks. Each week you’ll get an in-class assignment, and a take home assignment. You’ll work in all mediums, including digital, social, experiential, and traditional, because you must be a hybrid talent. We’ll be discussing how to think like a customer, what an idea is and is not, how to come up with ideas, how to use improv and collaborate, and how to bring an idea to life. You’ll be sharing your work as you develop your ideas for class assignments and your personal portfolio.
Who will be teaching the course?

Daisy Scott
Creative Director
Daisy Scott is an award-winning writer in commercial, educational and entertainment media. In advertising, she’s worked on American Express, McDonald’s, New England Conservatory, Alere, Ocean Spray, The Steppingstone Foundation, Boston Lyric Opera, Stride Rite, Hannaford, and alllllllll the banks that Bank of America used to be, among many, many, oh God so many others. She’s written for the Emmy-winning children’s public television series “Arthur” and “Peep,” produced by WGBH, Boston. Her work has appeared on Discovery Channel, in the Boston Globe, in two travel anthologies, and on television in China.