Creative Concepts
Fall 2017
What’s this course about?
Everyone works hard. Everyone “knows somebody.” What makes you stand out from other creatives are your ideas. So your ability to concept, and generate ideas on all platforms, stages and screens are what determine if you’ll have success in marketing or any field you choose. Whether you’re a current creative who wants to build your portfolio or someone who’s thinking about becoming a creative, this course will help you learn how to come up with ideas and how to bring them to life. You may be an accomplished presenter, be strategic, and have strong interpersonal skills, but at the end of the day ideas rule. Your ideas are your currency. Your ideas will get you a raise, get you promoted, get you a new job and new opportunities.
This 8-week course will meet once a week in the evening for two hours over a period of eight weeks. Each week you’ll get an in-class assignment, and a take home assignment every week. You’ll work in all mediums, including digital, social, experiential, and traditional, because you must be a hybrid talent. We’ll be discussing how to think like a customer, what an idea is and is not, how to come up with ideas, how to use improv and collaborate, and bringing an idea to life. You’ll be sharing your work as you develop your ideas for class assignments and your personal portfolio.
Who will be teaching the course?

Rob Rich
EVP, Executive Creative Director
Lots of people in marketing like to talk, make decks, meet, regroup, and circle back. Then there’s the folks that roll-up their sleeves, unearth insights and make things that will truly impact a brand. That’s Rob. His energy and passion are focused on creating ideas that give brands cultural relevance and a meaningful point of view. His spirit is contagious; He’s relentless in his pursuit of helping the brands he works on. Throughout his 20-plus year career he’s worked with every company imaginable from, TMobile, Cigna Healthcare, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Hewlett Packard to VH1, Seattle Seahawks, and Washington’s Lottery. He grew up in creative boutiques: Leonard, Monahan & Lubars, and Pagano Schenck & Kay and he honed his skills at large global creative agencies: Mullen and Publicis in West. Rob’s work has been recognized at Canne, The One Show, Clios, ADDYs, Communication Arts, Effies, and Webby Awards. He most proud of his accolades outside the industry. Specifically, when an idea becomes “creative currency” for a brand. Like Jay Leno creating a comedy bit based on the T-Mobile spots Rob created, an article in Sports Illustrated referencing an online character he created for Washington’s Lottery, seeing an entire category pivot because of the brand POV he helped create, or having his work displayed in the permanent film collection at Museum of Modern Art.
Course Dates
SEP 21 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
SEP 28 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
OCT 05 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
OCT 12 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
OCT 19 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
OCT 26 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
NOV 02 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
NOV 09 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm
46 Plympton St.
Boston, MA
Questions? Contact Molly Sullivan