Ayr left McKinsey to toast frozen burgers at Burger King and warm frozen soup at Panera with visions of the future of (an anti-frozen) Clover. Before Clover Ayr worked at McKinsey and Company (‘04-08) advising the CEOs and CMOs of the world’s top consumer and retail companies. Prior to that he worked with Patagonia (’04) on marketing. Ayr holds an MBA from HBS (’04), a Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science from MIT (’00, ’01). Before Clover Ayr worked at McKinsey and Company (‘04-08) advising the CEOs and CMOs of the world’s top consumer and retail companies. Prior to that he worked with Patagonia (’04) on marketing. Ayr holds an MBA from HBS (’04), a Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science from MIT (’00, ’01)
[rebelmouse site_name="ayrmuir" ]