Gogi Gupta
Founder, Gupta Media

Getting 110% out of each team member is Gogi’s greatest strength. A big part of this is his ability to connect with everyone in meaningful ways. Whether you’re a client, co-worker, or kin, you’re family to Gogi. He is constantly thinking of ways to improve our lives, from announcing the latest agency perk in the Gupta Media “family room,” to checking in on a client from vacation halfway around the world, to building smartURL to simplify the lives of music industry employees everywhere. Gogi’s eyes light up every time he thinks of a revolutionary way to “save the music industry,” but they’re never brighter than when he speaks about his three daughters and their breakthroughs in math problems and fort building.
An inspiration to those around him, Gogi built Gupta Media on his desire to irrevocably change things for the better. Gogi has not only shaped our approach as an agency, he has shaped the agency culture, and he has shaped us to believe that for any problem, there is a solution.