Order Your Hatch Bowl
2020 Hatch Bowl Order Form Instructions:
Agency and Individual Hatch Bowls are available for winners to purchase directly through our bowl provider, Honorcraft.
To Order:
Please download and complete this BOWL ORDER FORM.
Once complete, return to Keri Conrod: Kconrod@honorcraft.com with the subject line: THE AD CLUB – 2020 Hatch Bowl Order
Large 8″ Agency Bowls: $112
Small 4″ Individual Bowls: $45
(plus the cost of shipping & handling per order)
Delivery Time
Order processing will take 4-6 weeks to process and will be shipped directly to you at the address you provide in the order form.
Hatch Certificates
Fill In & Print Out Your Hatch Certificates:
1. Select your Award Level and download the certificate.
2. Open up your downloaded certificate.
3. Click on each fillable text block and fill in your winner information.
3. Save and print your certificate!