Campaigns involving multiple formats (i.e. print, television, interactive, viral, video, social, radio, etc.) that fall under a singular, cohesive brand message promoting any one company, product, or service, including public service. Submissions must be a cohesive integrated idea across various formats. [All Media]
For this category, entrants may include a brief video explanation in addition to the other materials. A supporting document is also allowed but not required.
Accepted Media:
- Print: PDF or JPEG
- Video: .MOV or .MPG (no slates) PLUS the script, and six stills
- Audio: .MP3 PLUS the script
- Interactive: URL PLUS login information for password protected sites, and six screen grabs
Optional Supporting Materials:
- Print: PDF or JPEG
- Video: .MOV or .MPG (no slates) PLUS the script, and six stills